The Mountains are Alive with the Echos of Mansoor Al Yemen.

Yemen upon the map, stretches from the desert sands of the Rub’ al Khali to mountain peaks 3,660 meters above sea levels, and drops back down to the coast of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Barakaat flows in abundance, within the hills and the valleys ,the mountains and the terrains of Yemen, as it had been the epicenter of Dawat for many a years after the seclusion of Imam tayeb (AS).

ImageIt is indeed the land which Rasulullah (SAW) turned to and proclaimed his yearning desire to see Duat Mutlaqeen. It is indeed the land which Syedna Taher Saifuddin Aqa wished to visit and perform ziyarat of the Duat of Yemen. It is certainly the land where Mansoor ul Yemen Moula visited and with His boisterous efforts visited towns and villages, bringing people towards the path of righteousness and marking the qabar Mubarak of Duat (AS) which had been unknown and veiled away until then. It is indeed Yemen, from where Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Aqa (RA) returned and Syedna Taher Saifuddin Aqa (RA)’s joys knew no bounds and He (RA), headed to welcome His illustrious Mansoos. It is indeed the same Yemen where Mansoor ul Yemen Moula went over and over and erected Raudah after Raudah of Duat Kiraam to indicate the magnanimity of  their shanaat. It is indeed Yemen, where Aqeeq ul yemen, Moulana ImageMufaddal Saifuddin Aqa toiled to cleanse the souls of Momineen from the filth and grime of thoughts deep entrenched by the munafiqeen. He (TUS) also cleansed their lands of the immorality of the roots of qaat which stole the fertility of the land as well as immersed thousands in the harmful practice of consuming it. It is indeed the land of Yemen, where a Masjid stood in serenity and supreme beauty upon the mountains of Hutaib Mubarak awaiting its inauguration and waqaf upon the hands of Mansoor ul Yemen Moula (RA). It is indeed upon this land that Aqeeq ul Yemen Moula has arrived at yet once again, in the shaanaat of Masoor ul Yemen Moula. Yes, it is indeed today that the Masjids desire is satiated upon the hands of He who is no different from Mansoor ul Yemen Moula (RA). In fact as He inaugurated the masjid, it was Burhanuddin Aqa we heard reciting Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem, it was without Imagedoubt Him(RA) who unlocked barakaat in abundance as he unlocked the doors to masjid e Mansoor Al Yemen. It was certainly Him for whom the Yemenis recited “Ya Mansoor al Yemen…” it can be no different from what it is, as every raise of the hand, every step He treads, every syllable uttered, every gaze of shafaqat is that of Mansoor ul Yemen Moula (RA) and will always be. And till the day of qiyamat the hills and the valleys and the mountains and the terrains will reverberate with the memories of Mansoor al Yemen within Aqeeq al Yemen. Yes, it is indeed that land where Rasulullah (SAW) gazes upon even today and states “Faya showqa le ruayate Ikhwaani”, and smiles with pride over the Duat who rest within the folds of this earth as well as the Dai that treads upon this land to augment its piety and glory.

6 thoughts on “The Mountains are Alive with the Echos of Mansoor Al Yemen.

  1. Pure mohabbat flows from each and every eloquent word…refreshes our sweet memories of Moula(RA) and Moula (TUS) deedar sharaf in Haraz on several occasions. Beautiful keepsake.
    Mubarak Arwaben.
    Permission to pass it on, please.
    amte SyednaTUS

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